This past weekend, I embarked on a weekend trip to New York City to stay with my brother’s girlfriend in Harlem. Weeks prior to the trip, she asked me what I wanted to do in my brief 48 hour stay. I answered promptly without hesitation: hit all the best NYC food spots. She embraced the challenge with exquisite grace.
While we indulged in old NYC bagel hotspots, trendy bakeries, and upscale Italian cuisine, I want to home in on a truly remarkable meal from a new-ish brunch joint in Soho called “Banter”.
Banter bustled with brunchers, inside and out. After tying ourselves over with sweets from a nearby chocolate shop, we were more than ready to chow down when we received the best type of text: “Your table is ready!”.
The pink and neon lights glowed heat onto our outside table in our side-street trolley type of table, a hosting style many New York restaurants adopted during the pandemic. I began with a mimosa, because duh, and my friend ordered an iced matcha lemonade, both tart and tasty. We got lost in the chit chat of dreams, what I would do after graduation, and her experience living in the Big Apple for the past year.
While the menu contained tempting breakfast foods, my body was craving something green (Note: the previous day’s lunch was a generous slice of Milk Bar’s confetti cake, enjoyed outside on a bench, each bite relished as I basked in the city sun. I live for balance).
Start describing your topic in a few words. Make sure to stay concise and include important keywords. Don't be afraid to write shorter sentences. It's common to think that longer sentences sound smarter or more eloquent but in reality, they just make your story harder to follow and understand — just like this one.